Diffusion OLPF


Diffusion OLPFs provide in-camera diffusion effects for RED® DSMC2® cameras.

SKU: OLPF-D Categories: ,


Adding diffusion behind the lens provides for flexible working as the diffusion effect is broadly consistent across focal lengths.  Available in four styles and two diffusion densities, all filters use KipperTie’s own optimised colour calibration which is a compatible refinement of the RED ‘Skintone Highlight’ calibration.  Sample imagery reel.


Softens fine detail, and retains sharp focus with minimal contrast loss and flare. Bokeh is rendered faithfully to the taking lens, with minor patterning.

Example: Taylor Swift – Wildest Dreams


Softens and expands highlights, smooths fine detail, yet retains sharp focus. Even the largest bokeh is rendered faithfully to the taking lens, with zero patterning.

Example: The Witcher – Season 1



Softens and expands highlights, retaining sharp focus. The specialised dichroic  particles split warm and cool colour temperatures, softening skintone and warming harsh light sources, while keeping cool and shadow areas crisp and clean. Bokeh is rendered faithfully to the taking lens, with only slight patterning.



Captures the timeless technique of net diffusion, encapsulating genuine period nylon stocking fabric within the filter glass. The optical behaviour is precisely the organic blooming and softness created by rear mounted nets for decades past. Large bokeh is rendered with the expected and desirable net pattern overlay.

Additional information

Filter type

Carbon 1, Carbon2, Pearl 1, Pearl 2, Gold 1, Gold 2, Nylon net

OLPF fitment



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